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Board Games for Geeks

We know that the basics can be boring and that for many of our readers the most popular and common board games can become an open invitation to boredom.

So if you feel that you don’t fit the standards of what’s considered “normal” nowadays and you’d rather give free rein to your eccentricities or quirks, then you’re in the correct article.

This time we bring you a selection of the Best Board Games for Geeks.

Carcassonne Star Wars Version

We know how important the Star Wars universe is for the geek culture, that’s why we wanted to start our list with a game designed under the theme of a saga where several generations have grown up.

Carcassonne Star Wars is a version of the classic game Carcassone, which essentially consists in forming a map while the players manage their resources and troops to gain points. The basic version of the game is set in a medieval town and was created in 2000 by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede.

Since its publication, Carcassonne has shared several expansions and modifications, the latest of which, published in 2017, is Carcassonne Star Wars. Unlike other similar games, the Star Wars version of Carcassonne goes beyond simple adaptations, and for those who know the more classic model, it is clear that this latest version is a true reinvention of what was already known.

The original’s setting and graphic design have been completely changed, as well as some of the rules being changed and new ones being incorporated.

Firstly, the games are no longer limited to the medieval city of Carcassonne, instead, players have now the chance to take their expansion into outer space, conquering new planets and exploring asteroid fields.

Another modification is the four-player variant, which allows you to play games divided into sides: Darth Vader and the Imperial Soldiers on one side, against Yoda and Luke Skywalker on the other.

As for the technical aspects of the games, the classic version of Carcassonne consists of placing a ground tile to later execute an action and then add up the points obtained. However, in this Star Wars version, the 76 terrain tiles are divided into three categories: trade routes, asteroid fields, and planets.

On the other hand, the design of the troops has also changed, making each color represent a Star Wars main character. We found then 30 figures to configure the troops, classified in five colors: 6 red figures representing Luke Skywalker, 6 green figures to represent Yoda, 6 black figures symbolizing Darth Vader, 6 white figures to embody the Imperial Soldiers and 6 orange figures to embody Boba Fett.

In addition, the troops now represent characters from the saga because the possibility of real fighting between sides has been introduced to the games.

A combat is generated when several figures of different players are in the same domain, in the classic version these conflicts were solved under the rule “the one who has the more, wins”, yet in the Star Wars version the conflict must be solved depending on the side the players belong to, the type of pieces used, and the result of another innovative element in the game: a 6 sided dice.

War of Ring

If your thing is epic fantasy, we are sure you are a follower of the Lord of the Rings, the novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien that reached its highest level of worldwide popularity with the movie trilogy released in 2001.

This time, the heroic fantasy story has inspired the board game War of the Ring, which in turn has become a classic reference of geek culture.

As designed by Tolkien, the War of the Ring consists of a conflict between two sides: the Free People of the Middle Earth, and the Dark Lord Sauron.

The nations of Gondor, Rohan, Elves, Dwarves and the Men of the North belong to the fraction of the free people. While the Dark Forces of Sauron are accompanied by the Army of Isengard and The Men of the South and East.

The game is designed to follow the lines of the novel and is composed of a huge Main Board that has been designed by John Howe and represents all The Middle Earth, a series of plastic figures of excellent quality representing the most prominent characters of the story that have been made with a great sense of detail, as well as a lot of plastic figures representing the troops.
In addition, the game includes a deck of cards containing the actions to be performed by the players as well as the action dice.

The objective of the game is unbalanced, which means that it depends on which side each player belongs to.

Therefore, the Free People seek to take The Company of the Ring to Mount Doom and then destroy The Ring, which would give them victory and end the evil plans of the shadows.

Meanwhile, Sauron and his reinforcements must earn as many points as possible as they conquer cities and strongholds.

While Lord of the Rings fans are the main lovers of this game, the truth is that you don’t need to be immersed in the universe created by Tolkien to understand the dynamics of the War of the Ring. It’s a strategy game that goes beyond the story and background theme and is very well achieved.

Risk: Game of Thrones Edition

Risk is a classic board game that combines strategy and diplomacy while simulating war on a global level.

Created in 1950, Risk is one of the world’s best-selling games and has undergone several modifications that have allowed it to reinvent itself over the decades.

This time we bring to discussion the version of Risk Game of Thrones, which is inspired by the saga written by George R.R. Martin and the television series produced by the HBO network.

Risk Game of Thrones is a themed version of the classic Risk that immerses players in a battle for global dominance, only this time players will be guided by the desire to occupy The Iron Throne.

The games last an average of ninety minutes and can be played by at least 2 players and a maximum of 5, who must choose which house they will belong to, whether that is Stark, Baratheon, Martell, Tyrel or Lannister.

The game contains a board that represents the entire map of Westeros and is divided into 48 territories classified into 9 regions.
It also includes five armies represented in plastic pieces alluding to the respective houses and their symbolism, just like the original version, it also incorporates a deck of cards and a set of dices.

In this version, you can find the main characters of the novel,
including Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, and Tyrion Lannister among others.

The counters are identified by colors, so the Lannisters are represented by the yellow counters, the Starks by the gray ones, the Baratheons by the black ones, the Tyrells by the green ones, and finally the Martells by the orange counters.

As in the classic version, the counters also represent troops of different sizes, so you will find the most basic or infantry counters have the value of an army, while the thematic counters, distinguished by the shape of the house symbol they represent, are worth three armies.
Finally, the Castles are the counters with the highest value, since each one is equivalent to 5 armies.

Continuing with the theme of the Game of Thrones universe, this Risk incorporates the character cards, which depending on who they are, will provide the player of new and different skills.

This design allows for more versatile games, as a player will discover new ways to play according to the skills of the character he has chosen.

Similarly, the game is accompanied by innovative cards such as Valar Morghulis, which has the power to end the game just by showing itself.

Juego de mesa Risk juego de tronos
  • 2 mapas personalizados incluyendo mapa de Westeros y Essos.
  • Más de 600 piezas únicas de juego, incluyendo ejércitos representados por casas nobles.
  • 3 diferentes maneras de jugar: escaramuza, dominio, mundo en guerra.
  • Juego para 2-7 jugadores.

In addition to this version, the creators have also released Risk Game of Thrones Deluxe version, which includes other new features such as domain mode and war world mode.
In the domain mode, players will be able to combine character, master and objective cards to achieve more detailed moves.

Warworld mode is played by combining the Westeros map with the Essos map and allows up to 7 players to play.

Juego de mesa Risk juego de tronos
  • 2 mapas personalizados incluyendo mapa de Westeros y Essos.
  • Más de 600 piezas únicas de juego, incluyendo ejércitos representados por casas nobles.
  • 3 diferentes maneras de jugar: escaramuza, dominio, mundo en guerra.
  • Juego para 2-7 jugadores.


For the geeks who want everything in one game, we will analyze Anachrony, a strategy game that includes Apocalyptic Eras, Time Travel, Ideological Battles, and Cataclysms.

We can’t say it’s a simple game, but it’s very interesting and quite complete.
It has a storyline that consists of a post-apocalyptic futuristic world where humanity is trying to resurface after a catastrophic explosion that ended life as we know it today. With the population reduced to small percentages and most of the planet uninhabitable, the survivors have organized themselves by ideologies or “paths”.

There are 4 paths (Harmony, Mastery, Progress, and Salvation) and each of these contemplates what they believe is the right way to rebuild the planet.
The followers of each path live isolated from each other in different places, having points in common such as the Capital, the name by which the only great city that remains standing is known.

The battle between the 4 ideologies has as its main objective to establish its headquarters in The Capital, which means to have the most important territory in the world.

Anachrony is a game of worker’s placement, so, to achieve their task, players will have to count among the followers of their ideology, with different specialists such as engineers, scientists, administrators, and geniuses.
They will also have to find a good supply of special suits to protect them during excursions to the most devastated places in the world, where they will go in search of resources.

But that’s not all, in addition to moving to desolate places and the Capital, players will also be able to move to past turns through Time Travel and provide new resources to their “selfs” of the past in order to improve their chances in the present. Overall, time is an important element in this game, with games taking place between 4 and 7 Eras (turns).

The dynamics of the game are anchored to the impact of an asteroid on the earth, an event that occurs in the Fourth Era.

Therefore, roads must be prepared in advance to survive the event, helping to evacuate the ruined city, and protecting their own settlements.
The road that achieves the most points can turn its settlement into the new Capital and be victorious in the game.

Anachrony is quite a challenging game in terms of both cleverness and strategy, as the roads must not only strive to establish themselves as the world’s supreme but must also endure attacks and survive in the presence of threats from other ideologies.

Mindclash Games Anachrony Essential Edition - English
  • Anachrony es un juego de estrategia competitivo de estilo europeo ambientado en un mundo post-apocalíptico reconstruido a lo largo de cuatro Paths
  • ideológico diferentes. El juego se juega a través de una serie de giros llamados Eras, con los pasados alcanzables a través del viaje en el tiempo más tarde en el juego
  • Los jugadores asumen los roles de líderes icónicos de los cuatro caminos, luchando no solo por la supremacía y el bienestar de su pueblo, pero también su supervivencia. Después de la cuarta Era, un impacto de asteroide sacude la Tierra, amenazando con destruir la Capital Mundial, la última ciudad independiente de la Tierra
  • Los Caminos deberían prepararse para el próximo cataclismo, y cuando llegue el momento, tomar su parte en la evacuación de la capital colapsada. Al final, uno de los caminos será el nuevo hogar del Consejo Mundial reformado, y conducirá a la humanidad a un nuevo futuro
  • Versión en inglés | Edades 15+ | 1-4 jugadores | 30-120 minutos de tiempo de juego

It also has an expansion that makes this game EVEN MORE COMPLETE!

Conclusions and closing remarks: Best Games for Geeks

Whether it’s epic battles, heroic fantasies, star wars, time travel, or global domains, board games are one of the main sources of entertainment for geeks of all ages. These games combine traditional board game structures (boards, cards, dice, and plastic figures) with thematic designs and background stories that result in true masterpieces

Also, here’s a list of some of Amazon’s best-selling geek games

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