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Best Game of Thrones – Board Games

If anyone thought that Game of Thrones, rated by many as the best series in history, was going to be out of reach of board games
 they were simply crazy.
Even before the series reached its peak of viewership, great board games based on their universe were already circulating.

Well, almost a year after HBO ended the story, it’s clear that we don’t have to say goodbye to the exciting universe of Westeros.

We have compiled for you the best Game of Thrones board games available right now. Grab your favorite ones and don’t let your beloved characters go! Pack your bags and go conquer the Iron Throne!

Risk: Game of Thrones

The well-known mechanics of Risk’s war games are now coupled with Westeros’ territories. You’ll choose one of these noble houses to play in: Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, and Martell.

By strategically deploying your armies across the map, distributed over 9 regions and 48 territories, you will fight to extend your power, in a voracious race filled with what is most abundant in the Game of Thrones: Ambition for Power.

Risk Game of Thrones is suitable for 2 to 5 players and recommended for people over 14 years old.

Juego de mesa Risk juego de tronos
  • 2 mapas personalizados incluyendo mapa de Westeros y Essos.
  • MĂĄs de 600 piezas Ășnicas de juego, incluyendo ejĂ©rcitos representados por casas nobles.
  • 3 diferentes maneras de jugar: escaramuza, dominio, mundo en guerra.
  • Juego para 2-7 jugadores.

Monopoly: Game of Thrones

Monopoly keeps the basic rules of this classic resource management game, only in this one you will conquer Westeros through economic power.
Whoever pays, commands, it is said
 and this maxim is the weapon that Monopoly offers you to be the boss of Westeros, without having to cut heads off and string them on spikes.

You will have to be very skillful so that your House raises the prosperity of its main cities, and penetrates the markets of the others. You will build fortresses, found villages, trade property, collect taxes

It’s made for 2 to 6 players, and the recommended age is over 14.

Clue: Game of Thrones

Have you ever played Cluedo? In case you don’t recognize it, I’ll tell you that it’s a game where you have to solve a mystery. The players get it through deduction.
They must find the 3 elements that define the crime: Guilty, weapon, and location.

In Clue Game of Thrones, you will do that but immersed in the atmosphere of the Seven Kingdoms of the Westeros.

Locations: Meereen and The Red Keep


  • In the Red Keep: Jaime Lannister, Sansa, Margaery Tyrell, Tyrion, Cercei, and Petyr Baelish
  • In Meereen: Daenerys Targaryen, Daario Naharis, Hizdahr Zo Loraq, Jorah Mormont, Gusano Gris and Missandei.


  • Crossbow. (The one that skewered Lord Tywin in the latrine, perhaps?)
  • Poison (probably Tears of Lys
 who knows
  • Arakh Dothraki
  • Faceless Men (Valar Morghulis
just in case!)
  • Dagger
  • Axe

Made for 2 to 6 players and with a duration of 30 min

Winning Move Cluedo Mystery - Juego de Tronos, [Inglés ]
  • En esta ediciĂłn especial de Game of Thrones Cluedo – el clĂĄsico juego de misterio Junta ve que usted se convierte en un verdadero detective para encontrar pistas y resolver el misterio que te espera
  • Junto con tus personajes favoritos incluyendo Tyrion Lannister, petyr baelish y missandei, escriba ubicaciones de la pirĂĄmide de los grandes maestros especial a la lucha Pit de daznak, y del rey tommen bedchambers a qyburn de laboratorio y descubre los secretos ocultos que esperan
  • Cluedo es divertido para toda la familia como usted decide: quiĂ©n lo hizo lo hacĂ­a? donde se producen? y lo que hizo arma el uso culpable?
  • ÂżHa Sido Jaime Lannister en las celdas de la prisiĂłn con la lĂĄmina con marco Assassin Dagger? o gris Worm en el Dragon catacumbas con la arakh?
  • El clĂĄsico juego de misterio Junta es divertido para toda la familia

Trivia: Game of Thrones

If you know the plot of the first 4 seasons of Game of Thrones, you can play this Trivia then.
If you manage to answer the questions about the series correctly, you can place your pieces in the territories, and thus expand your achievements.

The questions are grouped by season, and there are more than 1200, so they are very specific questions. Are you sure you can handle that?

You don’t always play individually. To be true to the spirit of the series, you are allowed to make alliances, and get help (paying for it, of course)

Players: 2-4

Duration: 30-60 min.

HBO Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game
  • Ages 18+
  • Players 2+
  • Playing time 30-60 minutes
  • Hecho en España

Catan: Game of Thrones – Brotherhood of the Watch

As in classic Catan, one must manage natural resources and prosper with them.

In this case, you will move to the Wall, as you will get the resources from the gathering, which is divided into 5 zones that provide wood, clay, wool, grain, and minerals, respectively.

With the profits of your labor you will build, increase the strength of the Night’s Watch, and get development cards. These achievements will give you victory points, and if you are the first to accumulate 10 points, you will be named Lord Commander and will win the game.

Players: 3-4

Duration: 60-70 min

CATAN, Game of Thrones Catan, Board Game, Ages 14+, 3-4 Players, 75 Minutes Minutes Playing Time
  • Adecuado para 3 - 4 jugadores
  • DuraciĂłn del juego de 60 minutos
  • Adecuado para niños mayores de 14 años
  • Dimensiones de 29.5 x 10.2 x 29.5 cm

Game of Thrones: The Card Game 2nd Edition

Players: 2-4

Duration: 1-2 hours

By managing card decks you can conquer the Seven Kingdoms, from the House of your choice: Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Martell, or Tyrell.

If you prefer, you can stay out of the bloody fight for the throne by becoming a sworn member of the Night’s Watch. It’s a different role, but not at all dull, I assure you.

The different types of cards in the game will allow you to use tools such as political tricks, war, courtly intrigues, and even the purest and most vile betrayal.

You need to accumulate power counters up to 15, which will give you victory. To do this, you’ll interact with various characters, and you’ll need to pay close attention to the attributes of their respective character cards, which tell you how that subject can help or hinder you.

You’ll also have place cards, which give you control over those places, and event cards, which modify the circumstances around you, will be activated.

Game of Thrones: The Card Game
279 Opiniones
Game of Thrones: The Card Game
  • Mejor a tus oponentes para reclamar el trono de hierro
  • Con tramas astutas, personajes icĂłnicos y encuentros mortales para dos a seis jugadores
  • Disfruta de mĂșltiples modos de juego para un juego variado
  • Tiempo de juego general entre una y dos horas
  • EdiciĂłn en inglĂ©s

Game of Thrones: The Board Game

This is the ultimate Game of Thrones board game. Not because it is better or worse than all of them, but because it is NOT a classic game adapted to the series’ environment.
This is THE GAME, specially created so the story that made us vibrate on the screen, revives on our table.

For 3-6 players, from 14 years old. Games duration of 3-5 hours.

The action begins with the death of Robert Baratheon and the outbreak of the war for the Iron Throne. You’ll be one of those who fight for the right to settle his ass on that mass of melted swords.

You’ll have your own army, made up of soldiers, knights, siege engines, and a fleet of ships. Over the course of 10 turns, you’ll fight battles to take over castles and control territories.

Only by ruthlessly crushing rival houses can you be the victor. Remember this message:

“In the Game of Thrones, you can only win or die.”

Yours truly,


Juego de Tronos: Hand of the King

Players: 2-4 Duration: 20 min

In this game, you will be applying to become the new hand of the king. To achieve this before the other candidates, you must capture the loyalty of as many characters as possible in each house, until you manage to get the houses on your side.

Character cards are distributed on a grid representing the noble society of King’s Landing. The character you have to work on to win over is
 Varys, of course! With his ability to intrigue, he’s able to get the dragons themselves to eat out of your hand.

All you have to do is move Varys intelligently so that he can take on as many characters as possible from the same house.

Fantasy Flight Games Un Juego de Tronos Mano del Rey, Juego de Cartas
  • Escenas de la mano del rey es un juego de cartas de operaciones astuto y manejo inteligente
  • Cada uno a su vez, usted envĂ­e varys a hacer sus apuestas, moverse a travĂ©s de la corte y inciting personajes icĂłnicos desde una canciĂłn de hielo y fuego para apoyar a su causa.
  • Edad 14 +
  • 2 a 4 jugadores
  • 15 A 30 minutos Tiempo de juego

Juego de Tronos: The Iron Throne

Players: 3-5 Duration: 30-60 min

In this game, you will control one of the 5 houses of Westeros that are represented. You will face the other houses to
 What do you think? Take over the Iron Throne, of course.

You must gain followers by wisely distributing your influence chips and get as far as possible out of the constantly changing circumstances imposed by the event cards.

It’s a game that’s not all about chance, but about how cleverly you play it.

HBO Juego de Tronos: El Trono de Hierro
  • Basado en la emocionante serie HBO y el uso de sistemas de juego del legendario juego de mesa Cosmic Encount
  • Miente, trampa, roba, soborna y combate tu camino a la supremacĂ­a
  • De 3 a 5 jugadores
  • Tiempo de juego de 30 a 60 minutos
  • A partir de 18 años

These are the Game of Thrones board games that we recommend, each with its own characteristics, but all of them ready to take you to this magnificent world.

Through different game dynamics, you will be able to live the emotions of the Westeros’ battles, wearing the shoes of your favorite characters, and why not? also of the most hated villains.

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