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Risk. Rules and Tips to Win

Risk is a Wargame full of exciting adventures and challenges, which you can’t help but play.

This explosive game will make you follow every rule in a fun way because as you roll the dice and move your checkers, you’ll want to expand your empire until you completely defeat your opponents.

With this fascinating traditional board game, which has filled thousands of families with pure fun for more than 50 years, you can become a true battle genius.
In addition to developing your logical and creative thinking skills and your alliance-building abilities. All benefits, don’t you think?

For this reason, here at, there is no way we can let you miss this opportunity to learn the fun rules and how to play Risk.
To make your days much more interesting and entertaining.
So without further ado, let’s conquer territories and expand empires!

Hasbro B7404101 - Juego de tablero (Multi) idioma francés
  • Ejecuta tu estrategia para conquistar el mundo
  • Favorece el desarrollo motriz, intelectual, sensitivo
  • Juego para 2 a 5 jugadores
  • Recomendado a partir de 10 años

Risk Board Game, Classic Edition. How to play?

como jugar al risk
how to play risk
  • It is a game designed to be played by 2 to 6 participants.
  • The minimum age recommended is 10, although if you are younger, you will undoubtedly be able to understand its dynamics with the help of your parents or older siblings.
  • It is a board game that represents all the continents of the world.
  • There are 42 territories that are grouped in the 6 continents that have a different color.
  • This game has 2 white dice and 3 red dice, six sides per die.
  • In addition to the 2 playing cards that are jokers, in this war game you’ll find 42 playing cards, each one associated with a troop and a territory.

Before we show you the rules and how to play risk, we would like to give you some instructions:

Instructions to Start a Game in Risk

batalla en el risk
battle in risk

To enter this magical battlefield, you must know that in Risk you will find 6 armies, where each one has 3 types of troops: Cavalry, Infantry and Artillery. In addition, each troop is assigned a specific value.

  • 1 point for Infantry
  • 5 points for Cavalry
  • 10 points for Artillery

You should also keep in mind that, during battle, any of these troops can transform. In other words, 1 Cavalry unit could be converted into 5 Infantry units and so on.

The number of players is essential to determine the number of armies that will be needed to start the battles:

  • If there are only 3 players, each will get 35 Infantry.
  • If there are 4 players, each will get 30 Infantry.
  • If there are 5 players, each will have 25 Infantry.
  • And if there are 6 players, each will get 20 Infantry.

Roll one die. If you are lucky and roll the highest number, you will be able to claim the territory you want, by placing the marker there.

Dominate territories. All players will have to place an army on any unoccupied area, until they have managed to occupy or claim all 42 terrains.

Additional army. After all 42 territories on the Risk board have been invaded, each player will have the opportunity to place an additional army on any territory they have already invaded.

Start of the game. If you were the one who put the first army on the board, you are in luck because you will start the battle.

Now, since you know the instructions, we’ll teach you the rules and how to play Risk

Risk Rules

To begin this adventure, you must use your creativity to its fullest, because it is crucial that you create a strategy to get the game started. And why is that? Because the distribution of each army in the game will become a key point for the battles that will take place.

  • If you are playing Classic Risk, you will be able to choose your territories.
  • The game takes turns.
  • So during your turn you will be able to attack, place troops to perform some maneuvers with them and if you are given the opportunity, you will also be able to take a card.
  • You will have to take turns with your compasses to take 1 from your pile.
  • Then you must place it on an empty territory and claim it. You must do this until all 42 terrains have been occupied.
  • There is no limit to the number of armies you can place on a single territory.
  • After you and your opponents have occupied all the territories, you will have to take turns adding troops to one of the claimed territories; this is in order to increase the size of your military in that place.
  • You can divide your troops evenly, or put them all in one territory.
  • If you’re playing the classic version of Risk, you can’t put the “Cease-Fire” Card into the deck.
  • During the game, you can exchange Infantry pieces for Cavalry or Artillery pieces.
  • Use your calculating mind. To find out how many new armies you can put on your land, you’ll have to calculate the number of territories they can occupy, the value of the continents you’re controlling, the value of the sets of cards you trade, and the particular territory on a Trading Card.
  • A game of mathematical operations in your head. To identify the number of armies you receive, you’ll have to add up the number of territories you’re occupying and then divide the result by 3.
  • The number of additional armies is different on each continent: Australia has 2 extra armies, Africa has 3, North America 5, Asia 7, Europe 5 and South America has 2.
  • If during your turn you managed to capture a territory, you are entitled to a Risk Card.
  • To collect groups of 3 cards from Risk, you must consider the following combinations: 3 cards of the same troop design, 2 or 1 of each design (artillery, infantry and cavalry).
  • If you have 5 or 6 cards at the start of the game, you will have to trade at least 1 set.

There is no problem if you don’t want to attack, because you can give the dice to the player on your left.
But if you are a warrior and you like battles, you should keep the following rules in mind:

  • You can only ram a territory that’s near or touching one of your own. For example, North Africa can attack Egypt. Because they are territories that are close by.
  • You can attack the territories you want during your turn or continue attacking a particular territory until you have finished with all its armies. But watch out! You must have at least 2 armies in the territory you want to attack.
  • Finally, when you’ve managed to defeat all your opponents by controlling all 42 territories on the board, guess what? You’ll be the new boss and governor of Risk!

And, if it’s just you and your brother, there’s nothing to worry about! Because here at we show you how to play Risk for 2 players:

Hasbro Collectibles - Risk 60Th Anniversary Edition
  • Deja la televisión y vuelve a avivar la noche familiar con la diversión de un juego Hasbro
  • Haz una fiesta y sorprende a tus invitados en tu próximo evento con el juego de risas de Hasbro Gaming.
  • El juego de mesa nostálgico combina contenido digital interactivo para una experiencia de juego envolvente
  • Hasbro Gaming imagina y produce juegos perfectos para cada edad, gusto y evento.

Risk Rules for 2 Players

cartas del risk
Risk Cards

Even if there are only 2 players, they must choose a full set of armies. And either player selects the third group as neutral.
In addition, from each Infantry of the 3 sets, they must take 40 pieces and claim territories as follows:

  • Before shuffling and dealing the cards that must be turned face down into 3 equal stacks, the “Wild” Cards must be removed from the Risk Card deck and also the “Secret Mission” Cards.
  • In the 14 territories shown on the Risk Cards in your deck, you must place 1 of your Infantry.
  • To block your opponent’s advance, you will have to place a “neutral” army on any “neutral” territory.
  • Your opponent can defend his territory, each time you attack a “neutral” one. And as we mentioned before, you can attack a territory as long as it is close to yours.
  • You should know that neutral armies do not attack or receive reinforcements.
  • Finally, you will be the winner when you have finished with all your opponent’s territories. And just in case you have any doubts, you don’t need to eliminate the neutral armies.

Now, of course, we’ll show you some strategies to Win at Risk

Strategies and Tricks to Win at Risk

trucos ganar risk
win Risk tricks
  • Strengthen and protect as many bonuses as you can.
  • You don’t need to tear your clothes to attack your rivals. Act with patience and boldness.
  • Be careful when conquering continents. Each continent has its advantages and disadvantages, so one of the factors you need to consider is isolation.
  • Try to have your armies in your border territories. With this strategy, your area will become stronger and your opponent will have a harder time defeating you.
  • Being a very careful observer can bring you great benefits. If you quickly add up the total of the other players’ armies at the end of their turn, you can identify the strongest and the weakest in the game and that’s an excellent strategy!

Risk Game Versions

And finally, did you know that there are over 900 Versions of the traditional Risk Board Game?

That’s right! And here at, we present you some of The Most Played Versions of Risk in this 2020

Risk Star Wars

This incredible version based on the original trilogy is called “The Game of Galactic Domination”. Here you will find “The Death Star”, which is designed to block attacks and shrink a planet to destruction, leaving it only in ashes.

Risk Hasbro Edición Star Wars (versión en inglés)
  • Players recreate the final moments of Return of the Jedi
  • Special TIE fighter gameboard features 3 theaters of combat
  • Assortment of iconic Star Wars vehicles including the Millennium Falcon
  • 2 Ways to Play: 2 players or 2 teams
  • Play as either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire

Risk Game of Thrones

This version has been so loved and acclaimed by the public, that Hasbro has taken the rigorous trouble to take care of every single detail.
So in this version you can find 5 different kinds of figures that correspond to the 5 families of the Game of Thrones series.

Juego de mesa Risk juego de tronos
  • 2 mapas personalizados incluyendo mapa de Westeros y Essos.
  • Más de 600 piezas únicas de juego, incluyendo ejércitos representados por casas nobles.
  • 3 diferentes maneras de jugar: escaramuza, dominio, mundo en guerra.
  • Juego para 2-7 jugadores.

Risk Lord of the Rings

There’s no doubt that, by mixing this traditional board game with the most watched series and movies in history, it’s the best idea its creators could have come up with.
That’s why this incredible film couldn’t be left out of the Risk versions.

So, if you want to get into the fantastic world of adventures, battles, strategies and alliances, don’t hesitate to look for this and more versions of the traditional board game Risk on Amazon.

Hasbro Gaming Risk - El señor de los Anillos, juego de mesa (versión en inglés) (20060)
  • Entra en el mundo del Señor de los Anillos con esta edición especial de Risk!
  • Juega en un tablero de juego detallada
  • Batalla con personajes especialmente esculpidos
  • Diversión para niños y adultos
  • Adecuado para todas las personas mayores de 10

In addition to these special editions, did you know that there are Risks from other series and sagas, such as Assansins Creed, Vikings or Skyrim?

We leave you with Amazon’s Best Selling Risk Games:

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