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The Best Role-Playing Games of all time. Top 15 Games of 2020

Over the years, a wide variety of different games have been created, such as games of luck, cards, laughter, mystery, and strategy, among others.

However, there is a type of board game that has stood out and has been evolving for decades, and these are the role-playing games.

In these games, we will be able to solve problems, face mysteries and confront unknown creatures with only one goal, to have a good time.

And the fact is that role-playing games have little to do with the rest of the board games that are known.

There are very few games that will challenge your judgment, reason, knowledge, strategy, common sense, problem-solving ability, and analytical skills all at once, as well as the way in which they foster your creativity.

In this article, we bring you The Best Role-Playing games of 2020, those that will keep you going for hours.

Let’s get started!


Dungeon World

juego de rol dungeon world

Dungeon World is a role-playing game based on the PBTA (Powered by the Apocalypse) game system of heroic fantasy, in which through fantastic adventures you will explore dungeons full of danger.

With this game, you will explore a world occupied by creatures and characters whose aim is fame and glory.

It includes a system of character archetypes including the bard, cleric, druid, warrior, paladin, explorer, thief, and mage.

In addition, thanks to its rules, this game can be played in many different ways, and you can modify it to your liking.

The average duration of the game is between two and four hours, and with just this book and some multi-faceted dice (from 4 to 12) you can have more fun than ever before.

Dungeon World
  • Sage LaTorra,Adam Koebel (Author)

Fate Core System

juego de rol fate basico

Fate Core System is the latest saga of the Fate games, with a more optimized rule system and highly praised by the fans.

Fate Core System features a multi-genre, easy-to-apply and dynamic system with rules for creating characters and tips to guide both novice and expert players, indispensable tips for storytelling, as well as new and better ways to gain an understanding of the game.

  • Número de jugadores: 36
  • edad de los jugadores: 12+
  • Duración: 28 horas
  • tipo de juego: el juego de rol
  • Idiomas disponibles: Inglés

The Lord of Rings- Core Book

mejor juego de rol señor de los anillos

The Lord of the Rings is the first officially heroic fantasy role-playing game of the medieval age, based on the Rolmaster.
It has a 100-sided die (D100) game system with a rough and deep background, simple character creation, and easy to understand gameplay.

The game takes place in Middle Earth, a world created by Tolkien and known by most role-players.

Cord Book: Core Book
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • Long, Steven S. (Author)

Leyend of the Five Rings

mejor juego de rol la leyenda de los cinco anillos

Legend of the Five Rings is a medieval fantasy role-playing game set in feudal Japan.

The five rings that make up the game represent each element (earth, fire, air, water, and void).
In this role-playing game, we find a world ruled by the Samurai, in times when they carried a Katana and the Wakizashi.
It is an easy game to understand with a system of “throwing and keeping dice”, divided into 8 large clans whose main function is to survive.

New World of Darkness

mejor juego de rol new world of darkness

New World of Darkness is a role-playing game with a gothic-punk background.
It is about a world like ours but immersed in darkness full of different characters (sorcerers, vampires, werewolves, ghosts…)

It has some basic and concise rules, making this game easy to play. The dynamic is very similar to the rest of the role-playing games, in which through the manual you will carry out the game.

This rulebook received the acclaimed “Origins Gamers Choice” award in 2004.

World of Darkness Core Rulebook
  • Used Book in Good Condition
  • White Wolf (Author)


 juego de rol degenesis

Degenesis is a post-apocalyptic game with an elegant presentation.

It has very detailed information, with background, an extensive story chapter that leads the reader to an unforgettable experience, as well as a mechanic with unique rules for character creation, and a large number of enemies that guarantee battle and fun.

Eclipse Phase

mejor juego de rol Eclipse phase

Eclipse Phase is a post-apocalyptic sandbox game of horror and conspiracy.

In this very entertaining game, we will have to fight with a 100-sided die. Also, in Eclipse Phase the creation of characters is almost infinite, having these an origin, a morph, and an association.

A simple combat system and infinite gameplay possibilities that will make you enjoy the role like never before!

Star Wars

Star Wars is an epic space adventure role-playing game inspired by the famous Star Wars saga (space opera).

In this game you can choose your class, race and profession to start your space adventure.

In addition, you can also choose whether you want to be on the side of the Jedi or the Siths.

With this game you will spend hours of fun. May the force be with you!


Shadowrun is a fantasy role-playing game set in the future. Shadowrun attempts to combine the technology of future progress and humans with magic.

A somewhat complicated game to play, but certainly with a fascinating story.

  • Catalyst Game Labs (Author)

Mutants & Masterminds

M&M is a role-playing game made for creating superheroes with an OGL d20 system.
It comes with a point system that will allow you to vary your hero with infinite characteristics by having very varied scenarios.
Easy to understand especially if you are into superheroes.


GURPS or by its acronymGeneric Universal RolePlaying System”, has a generic game system that covers a high density of environments from terror to fantasy or to the distant future.

It also has a dense but detailed set of rules that will provide many hours of fun.


juego de rol pathfinder

Pathfinder is a medieval heroic fantasy role-playing game with a d20 system (20-sided dice).
This game has a huge variability in characters, from cultures, attitudes, sizes, and appearances.

Advance and overcome challenges to gain more level and increase your power by playing with your partners.


mejor juego de rol pendragon

Pendragon is a role-playing game set in the 9th century (the death of King Arthur) where the characters live around such a mythical time.

In Pendragon strategic, political, military, and spiritual events occur.
This game has a fundamental attraction, and that is that you are not always the same character since your role in the game varies.

On a random basis, your character must reign, marry, have heirs, and follow the legacy of previous characters as a lot of time passes between each campaign.

Vampire. The Masquerade. 5th Edition

A new edition of the classic Vampire role-playing game is back with the main themes, terror, and secrets.

The true nature of the World of Darkness begins to emerge from the darkness. However, for this new edition, they have renewed their rules while keeping the best of their previous editions.

Dungeon & Dragons 5ta Edición

mejor juego de rol dragones y mazmorras

Dungeons and Dragons is one of the most famous role-playing games in history.

This time we will talk about the 5th edition, which follows the dynamics of the previous ones, set in a classic fantasy.

Join your fellow players as they explore dungeons and dangerous ruins in search of epic treasures, experience, and unimaginable powers, following the paths that this 5th edition takes.

D&D brings great improvements over its previous versions, but still retains the classic essence of it.

D&D Player’s Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook) (2014)
52.261 Opiniones
D&D Player’s Handbook (Dungeons & Dragons Core Rulebook) (2014)
  • En Dungeons & Dragons escribirás tu propia leyenda junto a tus amigos. Bajo la dirección de un Dungeon Master, el grupo crea personajes y los interpreta en una historia, tira dados para resolver sus acciones y recorre mapas mientras se elabora un relato tan ilimitado como la imaginación.
  • El Player’s Handbook es el primero de los tres reglamentos básicos de D&D, junto con el Monster Manual y la Dungeon Master’s Guide. El Player’s Handbook es la piedra angular, la obra fundamental de la quinta edición de D&D tanto para principiantes como para veteranos.
  • El Player’s Handbook te guía durante el proceso de crear un personaje de Dungeons & Dragons, al que interpretarás en el mundo de D&D.
  • Dungeons & Dragons es el juego de rol más importante del mundo. Cuando fue creado en 1974, D&D transformó la cultura lúdica al combinar la fantasía tradicional con las miniaturas y los juegos de guerra.
  • Wizards of the Coast (Author)

Call of Cthulhu

The role-play game “Call of Cthulhu” is a cosmic horror game set in the 1920s and based on the myths of the beast called Cthulhu.

It has a BRP (Basic Role-Playing) game system that is based on the use of a 100-sided die to perform the actions of the characters reflected in a system expressed as a percentage in each character.

Top 15 Role Playing Games of 2020

  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition
  • Vampires The Masquerade 5th Edition
  • Pendragon
  • Pathfinder
  • Shadowrun
  • Mutants & Masterminds
  • Star Wars
  • Eclipse Phase
  • The legend of the Five Rings
  • The Lord of Rings
  • Fate Core System
  • Dungeon World

This is the list of The Best Role Playing Games on the market for this 2020.
Role-playing games (RPG) have an infinite number of themes and genres, and this is because most of the gameplay depends on the user’s imagination.

Role-playing games will guide you to build a world with an increasingly complex theme, thus altering the game’s atmosphere.

There are role-playing games of fantasy, magic, adventure, based on a real or space world, medieval, or fiction, but don’t let this pigeonhole you! because role-playing games have as many possibilities as your imagination.

Buying role-playing games has many advantages, as they raise your social status with your peers, creating strong bonds, and pushing your imagination and problem solving to the limits.

In addition, role-playing games are also a great way to spend some quality time with family and friends.

Each of these games offers new experiences so we recommend that you choose the game that best suits your tastes and try as many as you can.

So finally, relax, roll the dice and let your imagination run wild!

These are The Best-Selling Role-Playing Games on Amazon:


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