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Best Party Board Games

We bring you one of the most demanded and searched categories by the board game lovers, the Party Games.

The games in this category are extremely fun!

Within the Party Games, you will find all those games that you would like to have at hand to brighten up a family reunion, a night out, or a party with office mates.

These games, also called socialization games, are characterized by allowing the participation of many people at once, being simple and being able to be played countless times without spoiling the dynamics of the game.
Despite not having a specific theme, Party Games are inclined to promote laughter, comic situations, and maximum group fun.

Here we bring you our selection with the TOP Party Games:


In this great game there are 4 types of characters::

  • Sheriff: Eliminate the Outlaws
  • Sheriff’s Deputy: Take care of the Sheriff.
  • Outlaws: Eliminate the Sheriff.
  • Renegade: Eliminate the Sheriff, but only when there are no others left. (this is the classic jealous guy who wants to snort the sheriff’s charge)

Which one would you like to be?

There are gunshots, duels, dynamite explosions, Indians who attack anyone (it doesn’t matter to them, as long as they are pale skins), and much more!

Players: 4-7

Duration: 30 min

dV Giochi DVC 9100 Bang Fourth Edition (Idioma - Inglés, Italiano)
  • Juego de la diversión del partido
  • Para 4-7 jugadores
  • Toma alrededor de 30 minutos para jugar
  • Las toneladas de rejugabilidad
  • Juego de la diversión del partido

Black Stories

Here’s a game that will totally immerse you. It brings a rich set of shocking stories: crimes, suicides, hair-raising urban legends

Behind each of these games is a mystery that must be solved. Only the Guardian of the Mystery knows the solution. The rest of the players are investigators who ask the guardian questions.

From the answers, deduction must be applied to find the solution. You can also ask the Guardian for clues, but this will lower the score.

There are many versions, each one set in a place and a type of crime.

Players: 2-15

Duration: 20 min

Are you having a party at home? Are you going on a bender with your friends? Don’t forget a fun board game.

Dull parties, with people sitting around talking nonsense, are boring, remember that.
So here we leave you a few games, very spicy, by the way, to take with you. But don’t tell anyone. Surprise them!

Glop. Drinking game

Well, what can I tell you… In this game, you dare to submit to ALL that the cards require, or you will end up very drunk.
The game brings you 500 cards full of challenges.
To get an idea of what they’re about, look at the categories: Erotic, Game, Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare…

And you, do you dare?

Players: Open

Duration: Open

Glop Games Cartas Eróticos - 1000 gr
  • Pack de 5 juegos Divertido juego de cartas para beber
  • Diferentes temáticas para jugar con los amigos o en pareja
  • La temática es el erótico

The Werewolves of Millers’ Hollow

This is a cooperative game of hidden roles.

Miller’s Hollow is a village surrounded by werewolves, and the villagers will have to survive while eliminating the creatures.

The wolves happen to attack at night, but by day they are harmless villagers, just like anyone else so you’ll have to be very careful!

You can play one game after another, as many as you like!

Players: 8-18

Duration: 10 min

Asmodee The Werewolves of Millers Hollow
1.908 Opiniones
Asmodee The Werewolves of Millers Hollow
  • English language edition of Die Werwlfe vom Dsterwald
  • Age range: 10 and up / Number of players: 8 to 18 / Play time: 30
  • Manufacturer: Asmodee Editions
  • 24 cards:, 4 werewolves, 13 ordinary townsfolk, 1 fortune teller, 1 thief, 1 hunter, 1 cupido, 1 witch, 1 little girl, 1 sheriff

Secret Hitler

In this game, you will experience the struggle that took place in the pre-fascist Germany when the liberal government was in power, and the fascists were bidding to take over.

It is played in 2 teams ( liberals and fascists), and they will have to face each other, implementing the tricks of politics.
Among the fascists, there will be a character who will be Hitler but will keep it in secret. As part of the actions, chancellors are appointed, bills are launched, strategies are imposed, etc.

If Hitler is appointed chancellor, the fascists win the game. But beware, the liberal president can kill him first.

Besides, in this game, deception is the way to win, so you will have to become a real liar and convince the rest of the players that you are always a liberal and your colleagues are all Nazis.

Players: 5-10

Duration: 30-45 min

Secret Hitler
  • A fast-paced game of deception and betrayal
  • Beautiful wooden components
  • Solid game boards with foil inlay
  • Hidden roles and secret envelopes for five to ten players


Concept is a game that will test your ability to communicate without words, and your power of association.
For this purpose, universal icons will be used to guess objects, titles, people, animals…

Are you good with emojis network messages? Then you’ll have an advantage, although I warn you that in Concept things are much more difficult.

The game contains hundreds of concepts, so you can play it many times.

Players: 4-12

Duration: 40 min

Repos Production, Concept, Board Game, Ages 10+, 4 to 12+ Players, 40 Minutes Playing Time
  • Combine iconos universales y conseguir que otros adivinen cientos de títulos y personajes objetos!
  • Adivina palabras a través de la asociación de iconos
  • El primer jugador a descubrir la palabra o frase recibe 2 puntos de victoria
  • Un juego para 4 jugadores +
  • Edad 10 +

Code Names

It’s a role-playing game, made for 2 teams. The goal is to discover the guilty of murder, through deduction, and the deciphering of mysterious signs.
Each team has spies from the other team, so they must be exposed.

Team leaders give their agents clues, through codes they must reveal.

If you like to exercise your brain cells in a fun way, this is your game.

Players: 2-8

Duration: 15 min

F**K The Game

Attention, it contains swear words, so it’s only for adults! In this game you have to throw cards containing words, following these rules:

If the word is in black ink, read it out loud.
If the word is in another color, say the COLOR out loud.
If the word is a WORD, READ it out loud, regardless of the color.
If the word is FUCK, it is NEVER said. Rules 1 and 2 apply.

If you drop the card and do the wrong action, and another says the right thing, that person gets rid of 2 cards, and you get the whole pile. The first person to run out of cards wins.

The game has another set of super creative punishments, but you’ll figure those out yourself. No more questions and buy F**k the game.

Players: 2-8

Duration: Open

Fk. The Game - Adult Party Game
3.694 Opiniones
Fk. The Game - Adult Party Game
  • El juego de fiesta australiano original
  • Juego social divertidísimo - dile palabrotas a tus amigos sin ofenderlos.
  • Efectos secundarios del entrenamiento del cerebro - ni siquiera te das cuenta de que te vuelves cada vez más inteligente.
  • Fácil o difícil: usa nuestras reglas adicionales para personalizar la dificultad
  • Tamaño de bolsillo: perfecto para llevar a pubs, fiestas o de viaje.

Tic Talk

This great game involves the facility of words and good body expression. If you’re the hyperactive-educated type, you’re going to love it.

You put together 2 teams (any number of players, split in half, and you’re done).
One team puts together a word as directed by the dice. (There are 5 dice, and they are used one by one)

The team then reveals the word to a member of the opposing team, and the latter will have to try, with only gestures, to get his team to guess it.

The time of the game depends on the participants because they can freely choose how much time is given to elaborate the word and to have it guessed. The game ends when both teams have used all the dice.


This game is about drawing. No, you don’t have to know how to draw! On the contrary… if you’re a bit clumsy, better, more fun!

A narrator explains the image he sees in a letter while the others draw it, according to the explanations.
The letter has certain essential requirements for the drawing to be good.
The best cartoonists earn points for the requirements met, and the narrator wins for the success of his listeners.

Players: 3-10

Duration: 30 min

Duplik Board Game
  • Innovador juego de dibujo
  • 'No Sistema ", todos los jugadores jugar cada redondo
  • Garantizada ríe
  • Ideal para fiestas

I’m the boss

A game for good business people. You have to accumulate money by closing deals. Through the investment cards, influence cards, deal cards, and the dice, you will try to be the richest one at the end of the game.

Players: 2-6

Duration: 60 min

Trivia Game of Thrones

This is the party game made for the fans of the amazing HBO series.
If you don’t remember much of the plot, run back and see seasons 1-4 before you play.
No, it won’t be dragons or Dothraki, but your knowledge of the series’ plot that will allow you to conquer the Iron Throne.

Players: 2-4

Duration: 30-60 min

Fantasy Flight Games- HBO trivia de Juego de Tronos: Expansión de Las Estaciones 5-8, Multicolor (HBO17)
  • Termina tu batalla por el trono de hierro con la expansión de Game of Thrones The Trivia Game Seasons 5-8
  • Como el único juego que importa continúa la competencia se intensifica con la inclusión de un quinto jugador y más de 1.200 nuevas preguntas para probar tu conocimiento de la exitosa serie de televisión
  • Completo con marcas de temporada claras para evitar alerones y nuevos personajes icónicos para alinearse para obtener sus poderosas habilidades únicas, tus batallas para el control de los siete reinos seguirán mucho después de que los crédito finales hayan rodado
  • Este no es un producto independiente. Se requiere una copia del juego de trivia de Juego de Tronos
  • De 2 a 5 jugadores, de 30 a 60 minutos de tiempo de juego, a partir de 18 años

This is our selection of The Best Party Game themed games, so that at your family reunion, among friends or with co-workers you will be able to have a great time.

If you miss a game, leave it in the comments!

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