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The Best Children’s Board Games

When it comes to children, we must understand that games are not only a source of entertainment and distraction but can also become a valuable learning tool.

We know that the little ones in the house are always aware of what is going on around them and almost anything they hear or do can positively or negatively influence their attitude and behavior, which is why, when we buy games for our children, we must pay attention to what values that activity will help to reinforce.

Just as cooperative play can help reinforce the values of teamwork, solidarity, and empathy, there are activities that can be unfavorable to children in training, instilling violent or overly competitive behavior.

That is why on this occasion we bring you a list of the best board games for children, with a selection of fun, but also healthy and educational entertainment.

First Orchard

This is an adaptation of the game The Orchard, which came to be positioned as one of the best-selling and most sought-after by parents and even schools. With First Orchard, adaptations were made for children under the age of 3, making it an excellent option to add to the list of your child’s first board games.

One of the best aspects of this game is that it is based on the cooperative mode, this means that, despite accepting several players, they will not be competing with each other but collaborating as a team to achieve the goal.

Co-operative games are convenient for children under the age of 3 because they avoid the frustration of defeat as no child is a winner or a loser.
Another important characteristic of this game is that its components are really interesting visually for children so young, this keeps them entertained and interested, but at the same time, they are made of resistant materials.

The game consists of collecting all the fruits from the farm before the raven arrives to devour them.
All the children work together against the game.
Their games contribute to the development of teamwork and fine motor skills, which is the ability to apply smooth, small, but precise movements, a skill that is in full development at this stage of life.


This is the mime game by Haba and is a fun way to get kids moving while having fun and learning non-verbal communication skills. The game consists of 48 cards with striking drawings, four blank cards to draw and an hourglass to count the time.
It consists of forming teams, distributing the cards among the players and during the game, a player from one of the teams must choose a card and express, through mime, the image represented on the card.
The idea is that the team of the player who is miming should guess as soon as possible what the drawing of the chosen card is about.

Pantomime is very valuable in teaching children to express themselves beyond words. Non-verbal communication, or through gestures and movements, provides children with communication skills that will be very useful to them. Thus, with this game children will be learning while having fun and getting away from electronic devices.

Without much help, pantomime forces the children to get moving while they try to express the content of the letter with mime.
It is recommended from the age of 3 and can be practiced by 2 or more players between children and adults.

HABA Mímica, Multicolor, Talla Única (303117), 4 años en adelante.
266 Opiniones
HABA Mímica, Multicolor, Talla Única (303117), 4 años en adelante.
  • Aprender jugando; a ganar, a perder y a usar los cinco sentidos
  • Fomenta habilidades las habilidades sociales, comunicación y la paciencia
  • Favorece el racionamiento lógico para realizar estrategias y solucionar problemas
  • Con piezas de madera


Operation is a classic children’s game that everyone knows. It is a board that represents the body of a man who is being operated and he has different holes where various objects are introduced.

The idea is that each player must take out the objects from the patient’s body with tweezers without touching the edges of the hole.
If the object touches the metal, an alarm will go off and the patient’s nose will light up indicating that you have lost.

It is recommended for children over six years old and helps to strengthen fine motor skills, as you have to hold the tweezers and the objects with a good pulse just like a real surgeon does.
In addition, with Operation, the little ones will learn to identify the different parts of the human body in an entertaining way.

OPERATION-(-) Juego (Hasbro B2176)
  • El juego de operación clásica te desafía a quitar piezas sin activar el zumbador
  • 13 piezas de plástico para dolencias
  • La nariz se ilumina cuando tocas los lados
  • Eliminar la mayor cantidad de partes para ganar
  • Incluye tablero de juego, pinzas, 13 dolencias de plástico (incluyendo banda de goma) e instrucciones (idioma español no garantizado)

Tumblin’ Monkeys

This is another board game that has become a classic among children’s games. It is a colorful palm tree that is crossed by sticks of different colors and from which small plastic monkeys hang.

The game consists of rolling the dice in turns and taking out a stick of the color that the dice indicates.
The challenge is to get the stick out without the monkeys falling out of the palm tree. In the end, whoever knocks down the most monkeys loses.

This game is recommended for children over 5 years old and the games accept up to4 participants.
The competition in this game makes it very entertaining and in addition to the fun, it offers the benefit of helping children to control their finer movements with greater delicacy and concentration.


For children over six, simple games can be boring, but this is not the case with Lince. This board game is perfect for giving 6-12-year-olds a bit of fun indoors.
It is a board game on which players must collect as many chips as possible. To do this, they must look for them quickly and be the first to find them.

Lince has several versions, including the family version recommended for children over 6 years old, which even adults can have fun with, but there is also a simpler version for the little ones in the house:
My First Lince, which is recommended for children between 2 and 5 years old.
This game is excellent for increasing visual acuity and mental speed since players must be attentive and quickly process the visual information they are perceiving from the board.


Cortex is a game from Captain Macaque Entertainment. It is a deck of 90 cards with challenges that must be placed face down.
Once a card is uncovered, the fastest player will put his hand on the card and will have to fulfill the challenge that it contains. Once he has done so, he will receive a piece of the brain of a certain color; the idea is to get the four pieces that make up the whole brain.

Cortex is a board game that tests visual agility, memory, and reasoning. It is recommended for children over eight years old and each game accepts 2 to 6 participants.

In addition, some cards have a sensory challenge with textures that are challenging to the touch. This makes this game an adventure for all the senses.

Zygomatic , Cortex Challenge: Kids , Card Game , Ages 6+ , 2-6 Players , 15 Minutes Playing Time
  • El producto representa un juego educativo de tablero
  • Estimula la agilidad visual y la coordinación
  • Se recomienda para 2-6 jugadores
  • La edad mínima recomendada es de 6 años
  • El tiempo de juego es de 15 minutos

In a home with small children, there are never too many board games. Whether it’s to stimulate, teach, develop emotional and motor skills, or simply keep the mischievous entertained, board games have been the perfect alternative for parents and even schools for quite some time now and will continue to be for a long time to come.

For children who are growing up in an environment full of electronic devices (phones, tablets, computers, and televisions) a board game is the best excuse to take them out of the digital environment and encourage them to share with other children.

From the most classic to the most modern, we are sure that in this list you will find a couple of games that will provide your little ones with unforgettable moments of fun and enjoyable learning with family, friends, and even school mates.

The important thing is to choose the one that best suits the age and interests of the children in order to guarantee real fun.

We also recommend this list of Amazon’s best-selling board games for kids:

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