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Juegos de Mesa

Dos Rules

It has been more than 50 years since “UNO”, one of the most traditional board games in history has brought laughter, challenge, and fun to thousands of families, friends, and colleagues.
However, its founder, Mattel, decided in March 2018 that it was time to take this traditional board game to a second level! And so “DOS” was created.

Although this new board game “DOS”, has many similarities to the traditional board game “UNO”; you must know that it has certain particularities that in this article we are going to explain to you with detail and in a very simple way.

As you read this text, you will notice that the rules for playing “DOS” are so easy to learn that we can tell you that you are guaranteed to have fun.

So, without further introduction, here at we encourage you to read from beginning to end what we have to tell you, about the rules, how to play it and where to get this new board game that will undoubtedly take you to another level of challenges and adventures. But most of all, you’ll have fun for two!

Let’s get started!

Mattel’s Game “DOS”, a Multicolor Card Game

Juego Cartas para Grupo Dos
  • This is an ideal card game to be played by 2 to 10 participants, with the aim of challenging each other one by one or by teams.
  • The purpose of the game is very similar to the classic version. You have to run out of cards to win, but this time you have to shout DOS! when you only have two cards left.
  • In this version, your mission will be to match the same numbers while trying to run out of cards.
  • Here you will find 108 cards, which unlike the “ONE”, has no special cards. Only jokers and numbers.
  • Although many say that this is a game designed for children from 7 years old onwards, its rules are so easy that even a child of 5 would be able to play it with the help of an adult. Because this game is for everyone!
  • As we mentioned before, this is a multicolor card game. Because the cards come in green, blue, yellow, red, and black.

Cards in DOS

First are the common cards, the ones we all know. That is the ones that only have one value and one color.

Then, there are the ones with the number 2 (which are black) and the jokers. Card of 2: This is the card that, although as its number indicates it is worth 2, the color can be chosen by the one that suits the player best. And believe us, you will find it easier to make color combinations with this card.

Wild cards: These are the cards that have a “#” in the center. With them, you can give the value you want, because this way you can make combinations more easily.

How to Play DOS?

As this pastime is inspired by the classic card game “ONE”, you will realize that its objective is the same, to run out of cards.
However, as we explain the rules to you, you will notice that the dynamics of DOS are not quite the same.
So after you have dealt the 7 cards to each player to start the game, of course keeping them hidden from your opponents, so that no trickster wants to be smart; you will have to leave the deck of draw cards on the table and place two cards in the middle, to start the game of combinations.
And if you’re the one to the right of the person who dealt the cards, you’ll be the lucky one to start this colorful adventure.

Combination Game: To make your combinations you will have to have your concentration to its maximum because the idea will be to try to combine the cards you have in your hand with the cards that are face-up on the table. To do this, you can make single pairs or double pairs.

Single pairs: This is the easiest pair to make. You can do this if you have a card that has the same number as one of the cards in the middle row. And don’t worry if its color doesn’t match because the pair will still be valid.

Double pairs: Here you will have to use your mathematical skills. Because you will make a double pair if you add 2 of your cards and you get the same value of one of the cards in the middle row. And in case you thought about it, there is no problem if the color is not the same.

Color Bonus: What happens when the colors match? If you have a card that has the same number and the same color as one of the cards on the table, you’re in luck! because you are entitled to a bonus.
But how do you use that bonus? Simple. When you have finished playing your turn, you can place one of your cards face up, next to the two cards that are the central row of the game. And the next player will have the opportunity to make combinations with those 3 cards.

Now, when you make a double pair, and it turns out that those two cards have the same color as the card in the middle row, you are sure to enjoy this part of the game.
Because according to the rules of the game DOS; all players (except you), will have to take a card from the draw deck.

Card Draw: If during your turn, you don’t have a good move to make or you just like to create suspense and you don’t want to play, you will have to take a card from the draw deck.

Card Limit: For the game DOS, there is no limit of cards that are face up and make part of the center row.
But watch out, because no matter what happens, there must always be at least two cards that are face up for the next player to make their combinations.

End of the round and the game: To become a real master of this game, you must know when a round ends and when the game is over.
The round ends when one of the players runs out of cards.
The game ends when you or any of the other participants manage to collect 200 points during the end of the rounds.

How to Score in DOS

This is definitely a way to spice up the game a little bit because instead of playing a quick game, which is simply running out of cards to win, you will have to try a little harder.
The first person to get 200 points in the rounds will be the absolute winner.
And how to do it? Very easy! If you and your friends decide to play the longest (but most exciting) game, at the end of each round you will have to add up your cards and the result of each player will be for the winner of that game. And to make it easier for you to understand, we show you the table below:

Cards from 1 to 10Its numerical value
Jokers “#”40 points
Cards of Number 220 points

Then, the more rounds you win, the more chances you have to be the first to collect the 200 points that will give you first place in the game. Also, to make sure you go from being a curious amateur to being a pro in this card game, we want to share some tips that will make it easier for you to win, so we recommend you stay until the end!

How to win at DOS?

This is one of the card games that are designed to arouse various emotions in the players. So it is very important that, apart from having fun and laughing big time, you also learn to be very focused.

After all, being aware of your opponents’ moves can give you huge advantages over others. We advise you to watch your teammates’ play carefully during the rounds and if a forgetful person gets careless and doesn’t shout “DOS”, (when there are only two cards left on its hand), you will have the pleasure of handing him 2 extra cards for not yelling it in time.

Don’t concentrate entirely on making double pairs. Although this is certainly a very good option, making single pairs, as his word implies, is much easier.
If you put more effort into making single pairs, believe us that it will be easier for you to get rid of the cards, and of course, you will be able to shout “DOS”! much earlier than the others.

Take good care of your colors. Although it is possible to make single or double pairs, even if the color is not the same; reserving your colors to look for some bonus can be an excellent strategy.

And finally, it would be very rude of us not to remind you that this incredible and colorful game ” DOS “, was inspired by the traditional board game ” ONE “, which has several versions created for all tastes.

Other Games Similar to DOS

UNO Classic

The classic of classics that cannot be missed in our homes.

Mattel Games Uno Get Wild Card Game
1.584 Opiniones
Mattel Games Uno Get Wild Card Game
  • UNO! El clásico juego de cartas de colores y números a juego.
  • Los jugadores se turnan para emparejar una de sus cartas con el color o la carta de números que se muestra en la parte superior de la baraja.
  • Escribe tus propias reglas para jugar con las cartas Wild Personalizables
  • Gana puntos siendo el primero en deshacerte de todas las cartas en tu mano.
  • El primer jugador o equipo a 500 gana.

UNO Attack

Here you will not only find the colorful cards, but you will also be able to enjoy a fun electronic dispenser, which will give the game much more suspense and excitement.

UNO Moo Game (Farm Animals)

This is the ideal version for children. With it, the little ones will learn the original dynamics of the game, making combinations. But in a much more striking way. They will learn to make colorful combinations and cute little animals.

  • hurra, que es uno moo! , Una versión de preescolar del juego uno amada!
  • animales de granja salen de su granero para jugar, los jugadores más jóvenes y reunirlos, haciendo coincidir sus colores o tipos
  • animales de granja salen de su granero para jugar, los jugadores más jóvenes y reunirlos, haciendo coincidir sus colores o tipos
  • los niños se lo pasarán bomba jugando con las vacas, los cerdos, las mofetas, pollo, perros, ovejas o figuras de agricultores y ponerlos en la puerta del granero y empujando a otros en el granero
  • los niños se lo pasarán bomba jugando con las vacas, los cerdos, las mofetas, pollo, perros, ovejas o figuras de agricultores y ponerlos en la puerta del granero y empujando a otros en el granero

UNO Splash

The design of this version is simply fascinating! And although it plays just like the classic version, it comes with a swirl type device that will make your time pass in a very fun and entertaining way.

Mattel Games DHW42 UNO Splash
  • Juega a la edición especial Splash de UNO.
  • Cartas de plástico duraderas e impermeables.
  • Con práctico clip que mantiene todas las cartas juntas y se fija a una bolsa de playa, mochila o material de camping.
  • Juega emparejando por color o número, o utiliza una carta de acción contra tu oponente.
  • Obtén puntos por ser el primero en deshacerte de todas tus cartas.

UNO Dados

This is the version that mixes the idea of combining colors and numbers, with the fascinating game of throwing the dice.

Mattel Games GKD66 UNO Roll & Write
  • Esta variante fácil de aprender del popular juego de cartas donde cada jugador está en el turno en cada ronda de dados es una gran diversión para toda la familia!
  • Los jugadores lanzan los dados a su vez e intentan formar una fila a partir de los números dados. Cada cubo debe coincidir con el número de ojos o el color del anterior. Los números de la serie se registran en su tablero de borrado seco.
  • ¡Ganó el jugador que ha llenado todos los campos vacíos en su tablero primero!
  • Simplemente limpie el tablero para comenzar un nuevo juego! Las pizarras borrables en seco y los marcadores son ideales para viajar: facilita la escritura de puntos y proporciona innumerables horas de juego.
  • Esta divertida variante del popular juego de cartas es perfecta para 2 a 4 jugadores y un gran regalo para niños a partir de 7 años.

If you want to know more about game rules, we recommend the following articles:

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