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Juegos de Mesa

The Best War Board Games. TOP War Games List

By popular request, we have decided to bring you a compilation of The Best War Game Theme Board Games.

This category covers War themed games, whose mechanics consists of tracing strategies and carrying out actions within an armed confrontation.
Many of them are historical and based on real war conflicts while others are totally fictitious.

Here we bring you our selection of The Best War Board Games.

Remember that the order does not imply the position in the ranking. These games are randomly ordered.

Top War-Themed Board Games

Combat Commander: Europe

In the middle of World War II, you can play either the role of Germany or the Allies.
On a board that is switching between different scenarios, you will move troops, plan ambushes, and other skirmishes with your infantrymen.

Players: 2

Duration: 120 min

Combat Commander - Juego de Mesa, para 2 Jugadores (Konami GMT0609) (Importado)
  • Juego de mesa impulsado Card cubre infantería de combate táctico en el teatro europeo de la Primera Guerra Mundial
  • Un jugador toma el papel de Alemania, otro de Rusia o los EE.UU.
  • Incluye 12 escenarios históricos !
  • Incluye 6 mapsheets
  • Edad 12 +

Twilight Imperium

We return to the cosmos. In this game, you will be the representative of a galactic race, with special powers, and you will participate in the fight for the conquest of Mecatol Rex.
The keys to success are good negotiations, advantageous alliances, guarding against betrayal, and employing carefully planned tactics.

Players: 3-6

Duration: 240-480 min

Fantasy Flight Games , Twilight Imperium 4th Edition, Board Game, Ages 14+, 3-6 Players, 240-480 Minute Playing Time
1.333 Opiniones
Fantasy Flight Games , Twilight Imperium 4th Edition, Board Game, Ages 14+, 3-6 Players, 240-480 Minute Playing Time
  • Durante dos décadas, Twilight Imperium ha emocionado a los jugadores con su gran historia y estrategia táctica.
  • Cada facción ofrece una experiencia de juego completamente diferente, desde los fantasmas de los Creuss hasta los emiratos de Hacán, maestros de comercio y economía.
  • No hay dos partidas de Twilight Imperium que sean idénticas – al principio de cada edad galáctica, la tabla de juego es única y estratégicamente construida utilizando 51 azulejos galaxiales.
  • Tiempo de juego: 4 a 8 horas.
  • A partir de 14 años.


Set in the Napoleonic Wars, Risk is a game where strategy is so important, you’ll have to think about it before you start playing. The first location you give to your armies in the territories of the board will depend on many future things during the game.
After the territories have been distributed, the attacks and battles will begin (with the dice) to take control of the territories and expand your power.

Players: 2-6

Duration: 1-8 hours (depending on the number of players)

Hasbro Collectibles - Risk 60Th Anniversary Edition
  • Deja la televisión y vuelve a avivar la noche familiar con la diversión de un juego Hasbro
  • Haz una fiesta y sorprende a tus invitados en tu próximo evento con el juego de risas de Hasbro Gaming.
  • El juego de mesa nostálgico combina contenido digital interactivo para una experiencia de juego envolvente
  • Hasbro Gaming imagina y produce juegos perfectos para cada edad, gusto y evento.

878 Vikings

This game is based on the Vikings’ attack on England.
You can choose the side of the fierce Nordic or the side of the English. It’s a game of area control. The map contains English countries and cities that are invaded by the Vikings.

With cards and dice, troops are moved, battles are fought, ambushes are planned…

At a certain point in the game, the Wedmore Treaty can be activated, and the game ends, with the side that has the most control over the board as the winner.

Players: 2

Duration: 2 hours

Academy Games aca05500 – 878 Vikings
  • A partir de 10 años
  • Duración del juego: 20 – 30
  • Número de jugadores: 2 +
  • Paqueteage Weight: 1.406 kilograms

13 Days – The Cuban Missile Crisis

You are about to participate in a moment of great tension: When the world was on the verge of nuclear war, at a time when the Cold War seemed to be turning hot, due to the discovery of a Soviet rocket base installed in Cuba, a stone’s throw away from the northern giant.

You can play the role of the United States or the former USSR.

You will handle personal mission cards, agenda letters, strategy cards, influence buckets…materials all of which, along with the decisions you are capable of making, will define if the nuclear holocaust is avoided, and which will be the dominant power at the end of the conflict.

Players: 2

Duration: 60 min

Pandemic: Fall of Rome

The objective here will be to prevent the fall of the Roman Empire.
We must create strategies to avoid famine, repel attacks from the barbarians.
To do this, we need to increase the army, defend cities, close vital alliances.

Players: 1-5

Duration: 45 min

Juego de Mesa Pandemic
  • Juego de estrategia: Viaja de vuelta a la historia hasta la época del mayor imperio del mundo: Roma. Debes reclutar ejércitos, fortificar ciudades, forjar alianzas y enfrentarte a las hordas invasoras en la batalla para detener la caída de Roma
  • Juego de mesa cooperativo: Mejora las posibilidades de defenderse contra los invasores trabajando juntos y utilizando tus habilidades únicas sabiamente. Solo a través del trabajo en equipo tendrás la oportunidad de detener la horda invasante. Un juego realmente cooperativo donde ganas o pierdes juntos
  • El mejor imperio de la historia: A la altura de su poder, el Imperio Romano tenía más de dos millones de millas cuadradas de territorio, pero las fronteras se han dejado abiertas a la invasión. Los miembros de estas tribus invasoras migran a través de las ciudades y el campo del Imperio. Si se dejan sin controlar, estos guerreros descartarán ciudades, procediendo a lo largo del camino a Roma
  • Une y protege el imperio: Con inminencia inminente, tú y tus compañeros de equipo deben trabajar juntos para usar tus habilidades especiales, reunir a los soldados de la legión romana y rodar los dados para luchar contra las hordas invasantes
  • Múltiples modos de reproducción: Este juego familiar y adulto fácil de aprender se puede jugar con 1 a 5 jugadores. Juega como el emperador romano en el modo de juego único en solitario, o haz que tu grupo experimentado enfrente al desafío del Caput Mundi Romano

WW2: Barbarossa to Berlin

Set during the Second World War, at the time when Germany decided to invade the Soviet Union. The players will embody these two powers.

It’s a game where decisions take precedence over chance. The ability to strategize and manage warfare and livelihood resources is critical. You know, if you’re smart and careful, you can put another spin on history!

Players: 2

Duration: 180 min

WW2: Barbarossa to Berlin
  • 2006 reprint
  • Number of players: 1 to 2
  • Manufacturer: GMT Games
  • 368 full-color die-cut counters, 1 22x34 inch full-color mapsheet, 110 Strategy cards, 2 6-sided dice, 16-page Rulebook, 2 Player Aid cards

A Game of Thrones LCG

You are going to control one of the houses in Westeros, the one you prefer, and you are going to fight to conquer the Iron Throne.
This fight includes epic battles between gigantic armies, the use of magic, and sieges… But it also includes dealing with dark intrigues, setting traps (or falling into them)

The cards here are crucial. You’ll have a draw deck, which will dictate your strengths each round, and plot cards, which will help you think through your strategies.

So, if you wanted a different occupant for the Iron Throne, here’s your chance… it could even be you!

Players: 2-8

Duration: 120 min

Game of Thrones: The Card Game
279 Opiniones
Game of Thrones: The Card Game
  • Mejor a tus oponentes para reclamar el trono de hierro
  • Con tramas astutas, personajes icónicos y encuentros mortales para dos a seis jugadores
  • Disfruta de múltiples modos de juego para un juego variado
  • Tiempo de juego general entre una y dos horas
  • Edición en inglés

So far this is our compilation of The Best War Board Games.

Whether you’re passionate about wars, World War II, or the American Civil War, or would love to fight an interstellar battle in your spaceship, this list is for you.

And you know, make love and not war 😀

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