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Parcheesi Rules and Instructions. How to play?

Parcheesi is one of the most popular board games in the world. It has been played for many years, by young and old, and by people from all social backgrounds.

The rules of Parcheesi differ from region to region, but it keeps its basic rules, so the common rules of Parcheesi are:

  • It’s a game for 4 participants.
  • It consists of a board, 4 counters for each player, and 2 dice.
  • The players’ chips are identified by color (four of each color), as well as the Starting Squares and the first square when leaving, which is called Starting Secure Square.
  • The game of Parcheesi consists of walking around the board, taking as many steps as the dice indicate, and the player who first gets all his checkers to the goal wins.
  • Only 2 checkers can be placed together on the squares, from the same or different players.
  • Double rolls (double 2, double 5, etc.) give the right to roll again. But, if it comes out double 3 times in a row, the player has to go back to the beginning of his most advanced checker (Watch out for doubles))

In addition, there is a set of complementary rules to Parcheesi that make it such an exciting game. Because… if everything consisted of just walking… it will be so boring!

These additional rules may vary. It’s not the same all over the world.

Today we summarize here the rules of the most extended modality of Parcheesi. So follow us!

Parcheesi Board Formation

These are the parts that make up the board:

  • Four starting squares: One in each corner, which is where each player waits for the start.
  • Goal: It is a square located in the center of the board, which must be reached to win. It has 4 accesses, one for each player.
  • Step Squares: These are the segments into which the route is divided. They are blank squares, and each one represents a step.
  • Starting Secure Square: They are colored squares. They are in the exits (first square when leaving), and distributed by the board, in intervals of five steps, and seven in the curves. The Starting Secure Squares immediately at the exit is made in the player’s color, and of preferential use to him/her. The other Starting Secure Squares are of neutral colors, and they all use them equally.

Rules For Parcheesi Exit

When it comes time to leave, it’s not enough to roll the dice and see what comes out. There are some pretty curious rules:

  • Only a 5 can take a chip out and put it in circulation.
  • If you roll a double 5, you can either roll two checkers, and put them together in your starting sponsor, or roll one checker, and use the other 5 to move it up 5 steps.
  • The first square found on the way out is that player’s own Starting Secure Squares. When a player is about to bear off a tile and the Starting Secure Squares is busy, the player who invaded it has to bear off his or her tiles, which return to the start.

Exiting can be despairing sometimes if the dice are determined not to fall in 5 for several turns, it can put you in a bad mood!

How To Advance In The Game Of Parcheesi

Advancing across the board also has its tricks:

  • The numbers on the dice roll can be dealt with: Walking the steps of a die with one checker, and the steps of the second die with another. Or walk them all with the same checker.
  • When the player has only one checker in circulation, he cannot split the roll, he is obliged to walk the sum of the dice with that checker.
  • When a checker enters the path to the goal, it is rolled with one die.
  • To enter the goal, the exact number of steps missing must be rolled.
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  • Juego clásico de persecución, carrera y captura
  • De 2 a 4 jugadores
  • A partir de 8 años

How To “Eat” In Parcheesi

Being “eaten” is the most annoying thing that happens in Parcheesi.
When a player walks the corresponding steps and falls in the same square where there is another player’s chip, he “eats” it.
“Eat it” means that that chip that was hit has to go back to the start.

This “eat” rule is the cause of those funny chases in Parcheesi, and of the fiercest rivalry between the players.

No tile can be “eaten” when it is in a Secure Square.

Reward Steps

The prizes in Parcheesi are free advancement steps:

  • When a player “eats” another player’s chip, he receives a prize of 20 steps. The prize steps are not walked with the same chip that “ate”, but with another one. If you have no more chips in circulation, you lose the prize.
  • When a chip enters the goal, the player walks 10 prize steps with another chip.
  • If the prize is reached with only one die, the player can add up the prize steps with the missing die. For example, roll 5 and 3. With the 5, the player “eats” an opponent’s piece. He wins 20 prize steps. With a different chip, he walks 23 (the 20 prize chips plus the 3 on the second die): The 20 is made with one chip and the 3 with another one.

How To Make a Barrier In Parcheesi

A Barrier is formed when a player puts 2 checkers together on his starting sponsor. This blocks the passage of the others.
It serves as a delaying mechanism for the opponents, but only for a while, because those pieces are stuck there, and they get delayed too. The player has to be very careful with the use of the barrier.

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You have the instructions. Don’t try to learn them all at once, the best thing is to practice.
As you can see, this is a game full of ups and downs, where victories and setbacks follow each other in a continuous spiral of emotions.

Don’t wait any longer and buy your board. Let’s play Parcheesi!

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