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Juegos de Mesa

Top 10 Best Board Games

Board games have always been an interesting and fun alternative to burn off those extra hours on vacation, or when you don’t have important tasks to do.

In an age where virtual and digital predominates, playing a board game can be a breath of fresh air in our daily lives.

They are also perfect for taking them anywhere, such as to the swimming pool, a campsite or a walk around your grandparents’ farm, as they do not require a computer, mobile phone or even electricity if necessary.

That’s why and because we love fun board games – not boring ones. Hey, we want to share with you a collection of some of the best board games on the market.

Code Names


This one is a very dynamic and fun game to play in teams.

To play, two teams have to be formed with a captain for each one of them. The captain will have to give a keyword that associates images and words so that the rest of the players can guess the words that are on the table.

The ideas that have to be associated can go from very simple and plain to quite complex and even academic.

People of any age can participate. It is a perfect game to play with family and friends since the idea is to interact with the members of the game to beat the rival team.

Awarded in 2016 by one of the most prestigious awards in the world of board games, the “Spiel des Jahres Award”, making it recognized as “the game of the year in Germany.”

Code Names has an original and uncomplicated way of playing that captivated the jury and will surely give you hours of fun with your family and friends.

Devir - Código Secreto, Juego de Mesa, Juego de Mesa con Amigos, Juego para fiestas, Juego de Mesa Adultos, Edad 10 años (BGCOSE)
  • Adecuado para gente competitiva y crítica, así como para los más sueltos
  • De 2 a 8 jugadores
  • Duración: 15 minutos
  • Para mayores de 8 años


In the Wild West, the Outlaws hunt the Sheriff, the Sheriff hunts the Outlaws and the Renegade hatches his secret plan.

A very fun board game that can be played by both children and adults because of its simplicity. Placed in the Wild West, each player must put on the skin of a particular character and have specific missions for him.

The goal is simple, to shoot your enemy and avoid him killing you. The dynamics of the game are through different cards that will tell you what to do.

Although it must be played in groups – between 4 to 8 peopleinstructions can be found on the Internet to play in pairs.

But whichever way you play it, what is certain is that for only 20$ you will spend hours of fun, in a single evening in which several games can be played without problems.

dV Giochi | Bang! | Juego de Cartas para Grandes Grupos de Amigos | A Partir de 8 Años | De 4 a 7 Jugadores | 20-40 Minutos por Partida | Español
  • En el Salvaje Oeste, los Forajidos dan caza al Sheriff, el Sheriff da caza a los Forajidos, y el Renegado urde su plan en secreto, listo para unirse a cualquiera de los bandos. Dentro de poco, ¡las balas comenzarán a zumbar!
  • Aclamado por más de medio millón de pistoleros de todo el mundo
  • Gran clásico de los juegos de cartas
  • De 4 a 7 Jugadores
  • De 20 a 30 minutos de duración


In this board game, there are two sides, the first is the honest and hardworking dwarves who are looking for gold nuggets inside the mountain with courage, the second is the saboteurs who will do everything possible to stop them from getting that gold.

What is interesting and what makes Saboteur very entertaining is that you don’t really know who is who until the gold is handed out. The player next to you can be an ally or an enemy.

The game is based on “bothering” the opponent so that they don’t get their goal while you complete yours. Very fun and dynamic, perfect for playing with 3 to 4 people.

Mercurio- Juego del Saboteador Consigue Maximo de Oro para Ganar, Multicolor, única (A0022)
  • Juego de estrategia, en parte cooperativo, ideal para grupos y apto para toda la familia
  • Incluye juego base más nuevas cartas que multiplican las posibilidades del juego
  • Juego para 2-12 jugadores con reglas en español y portugués
  • Incluye 176 cartas, 32 fichas de pepitas y reglas en español y portugués
  • Juego creado por Frederick Moyersoen

Eldritch Horror

We continue with a more adult game that is definitely not recommended for children.

Eldritch Horror is a universe-based board game created by H. P. Lovecraft, which promises to keep you hooked until you solve all the mysteries it has to reveal.

You and your team – the game is cooperative, everyone wins or everyone loses – are a group of researchers whose job it is to unravel the cosmic horror that grips humanity and threatens to drive you all insane.

In the game, you will have the option to make different decisions that will lead to one end or another. You can play against the primitives or make a pact with them, but no matter what your team decides, the story and dynamics of Eldritch Horror promise hours of entertainment.

Recommended for anyone with a taste for mystery board games and especially lovers of Lovecraftian myths.

Fantasy Flight Games | Eldritch Horror | Juego de Mesa Cooperativo de Misterio y Estrategia para Adultos y Jóvenes | A Partir de 14 Años | De 1 a 8 Jugadores | 2-4 Horas por Partida | Español
  • ¡Se acerca el fin del mundo!
  • El mundo está al borde de la catástrofe. Estamos en 1926 y un ser de increíble poder amenaza con despertar de su largo letargo trayendo muerte y destrucción.
  • Extrañas sectas y terribles monstruos siembran el caos en todos los continentes mientras el tejido de la realidad se desgarra, abriendo portales a extraños mundos.
  • Sólo unos pocos valerosos investigadores entienden lo que está ocurriendo realmente.
  • Estas tenaces almas de todo tipo y condición emplean sus habilidades y armas para enfrentarse a la amenaza del Primigenio.

Monopoly Empire

What can be said about Monopoly that is not already known?

A classic among board game classics, it has been the main option for many to spend a fun afternoon among friends since it was first created in 1936.

After many different editions and versions, we have Monopoly Empire with the same premise as the previous ones but this time you will be able to buy some of the main commercial brands in the world -Skype, Xbox, Ebay, Puma…

It’s also a faster version of the game so you don’t have to worry about those endless games where no one really comes out a winner.

Hasbro Monopoly Imperio Juego
  • Juguetes de alta calidad para niños de todas las edades.
  • Fabricado con materiales seguros.
  • Probado para calidad y durabilidad.

7 Wonders

We continue the list with a Civilization style strategy board game where you will have to choose between one of the seven available cities to start developing it.

In the game you will have to explore to find different natural resources before your rivals, strengthen both your commercial ties and your military influence and take your civilization to the summit of progress by raising your own architectural wonder.

Each game is made up of three eras that you will have to overcome, there are three decks of cards for each era and at the end, the points obtained will be counted to determine the winner.

7 Wonders can be played from two people onwards, but like any game of this style, the more the better.

Asmodee - 7 Wonders, juego de mesa (Repos SEV01ML)
  • Más de 30 premios internacionales
  • Sencillo de aprender y muy divertido
  • Admite hasta 7 jugadores
  • Gobierna una de las siete grandes ciudades del mundo antiguo.
  • Deja tu huella en la historia de la civilización construyendo una Maravilla arquitectónica que trascienda a través de los tiempos venideros.


Another classic that enters the ranks of the most fun table games of our list.

Pictionary, first published in 1985, is a fun game that consists of drawing an object or a picture following the instructions given by the cards, and having your partner guess while you are drawing in a limited time.

The new version brings a pair of markers that can be erased, a drawing board, and new and fun clues updated to the times we run.

Believe me, with this game laughter is guaranteed and the occasional little discussion as well.

Mattel Games Pictionary, Juego de Mesa para Dibujar +8 años, versión español (DKD51)
1.122 Opiniones
Mattel Games Pictionary, Juego de Mesa para Dibujar +8 años, versión español (DKD51)
  • El clásico juego de dibujos rápidos desde 1985.
  • No hace falta que seas un artista. De hecho, si se te da mal dibujar, el juego es todavía más divertido.
  • El juego incluye dos niveles de pistas (120 para adultos, 80 infantiles), por lo que es perfecto para jugadores de todas las edades.
  • Incluye dos rotuladores de tinta borrable, dos tableros para dibujar que se pueden borrar y una categoría de pistas de cultura popular actualizada.


From the creators of Dixit, comes this cooperative board game where everyone wins or loses. You and your team will have to solve the mystery surrounding the death of a servant in an abandoned mansion, which occurred thirty years ago.

To solve the mystery, one of the players will take the role of the ghost of the servant who is in a state of shock because of the terrible murder he suffered, while the others will take the role of the seers in charge of clearing up the matter as quickly as possible.

The ghost will try to help the seers at all times, but the veil between this “side” and the beyond is dense, so their messages will not be entirely clear. They will be presented as visions that have to be interpreted by the seers in a limited time, after finishing that time the ghost will tell them if they were right or not.

If everything goes well at the end of the game, the murderer will be identified, the ghost will be able to rest in peace and the seers will have won the game.

Libellud | Mysterium | Juego de Mesa Premiado de Misterio y Cooperativo | A Partir de 10 Años | De 2 a 7 Jugadores | 42 Minutos por Partida |En Español y Portugués
  • Juego colaborativo de resolver el misterio, en el que todos los jugadores ganan o pierden juntos
  • La meta es descubrir la verdad tras la muerte del espíritu que encanta la mansión consiguiendo que su alma descanse en paz
  • Nada más contactar con él os dais cuenta de que no puede deciros directamente la identidad de su asesino
  • Claramente trastornado, el espíritu tiene recuerdos vagos sobre su muerte, Vuestra tarea es reconstruir los eventos de esa noche con su ayuda
  • De 2 a 7 jugadores, A partir de 10 años de edad, Duración de 40 min

Colt Express

Set in the Far West, a group of bandits plans to raid the train where the payroll of the Nice Valley Coal Company is stored, along with a few pieces of jewelry and valuables from the passengers.

The objective is simple, to steal as much loot as possible without taking many bullets. Each round consists of two phases, in the first one the players must plan carefully the actions they will carry out, and the second phase is the assault in which each bandit will carry out the actions he already planned.

The game lasts five rounds and in the end the amount of loot each player has will be counted to determine who the winner is.

Asmodee COLT01 Colt Express
  • detallados en 3D de locomotoras y trenes, coches que se obtiene de montar antes de que comience el juego!
  • componentes del juego de alta calidad
  • tarjetas bellamente artísticas y Juegos de peones de madera

Sushi Go!

Sushi Go! It’s a card game out of the mold and it’s very funny to play. The first time you try it you might be a little reluctant, but I assure you that as soon as you start a game, you will be hooked like few other board games can do.

It is a game that at first sight draws a lot of attention, the goal is to get the best combination of cards. The cards are passed from hand to hand and you can only keep one at a time.

The difficulty? Which must be shown at all times, is a card game in the open where anyone can see the combination you are trying to achieve.

It is a very fun board game that can be played by young children and adults. The whole family can spend an afternoon of entertainment and healthy competition.

Devir - Sushi Go Party, Juego de Mesa, de Cartas, con Amigos, para Fiestas, 8 años, Edición Expandida del Juego Sushi Go (BGSGPARTY)
  • Tipo de producto: juego de mesa
  • Número de jugadores: 2 - 8
  • Duración aproximada de la partida: 20 min
  • Edad recomendada: 8 años y más
  • Juego adecuado para pasar el tiempo libre

And here you have, 10 fun board games to have a good time full of laughter, companionship, healthy competition and sometimes a few arguments, but nothing fancy.

We recommend that you also look at these products from Amazon, they are their best selling board games

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