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Juegos de Mesa

Top 10 Best Board Games to Play With Family

Who hasn’t ever enjoyed a good board game with their family?
If your answer is, “I haven’t,” then what are you waiting for?

Family games are one of the most rewarding and fulfilling moments you can have, especially if you have children.

Some might even say that “sharing as a family is what makes a house a home“, and there are not many things as good as board games to do that. Perhaps the one thing that could top it will be a trip to some exotic destination, but this is not what this article is about.

If you are a parent, you might want to know that your children’s leisure time can be used to improve their skills.

Board games offer many benefits in the proper development of children, some of them being:

  • They improve cognitive and mental development.
  • They strengthen the bonds with parents and siblings.
  • It helps them to strengthen concentration while reinforcing logic, math, and reading.
  • It teaches them to have patience, to collaborate to solve problems or overcome obstacles, and to know how to handle frustration when they lose.

It is not necessary to get rid of all devices, such as videogames or tablets, but it is unquestionable that spending an afternoon with the family enjoying a board game provides too many benefits to leave them aside.

That’s why we bring you this list made of the top 10 best family board games, for you and your loved ones to spend moments together, those that after years are remembered with nostalgia.

Le’t go then!


We start with this fun, kid-friendly board game: in Operation, you become a doctor in the operating room. You’ll have to remove the patient’s body parts until there are none left.

But watch out! If you touch the edges where the piece is placed, the patient’s nose will light up making a sound that shows its next player’s turn.

The game ends when all the pieces have been removed from the body, and the winner will be the one who has managed to collect a larger amount of them.

This fun board game provides educational value in reading and math.

It is recommended for children 6 years and older, under adult supervision.

Operación Juego de Mesa electrónico con Cartas Juego de Habilidades para niños a Partir de 6 años (Exclusivo de Amazon)
13.407 Opiniones
Operación Juego de Mesa electrónico con Cartas Juego de Habilidades para niños a Partir de 6 años (Exclusivo de Amazon)
  • Juego de mesa para niños desafiante y divertido: los jugadores pueden ser "el médico" y hacer que Cavity Sam sea mejor o obtener el zumbador. Las piezas de fácil agarre y las grandes aberturas ayudan a que el juego sea divertido para niños de 6 años en adelante.
  • Habilidad y coordinación: los jugadores utilizan su habilidad y coordinación para eliminar las "dolencias" del paciente con las pinzas. Recoge la mayor cantidad de dinero eliminando con éxito las piezas Funatomy para ganar.
  • Incluye tarjetas de médico y tarjetas de especialista: gana dinero si tu eliminación de la parte Funatomy no activó el zumbador. Si lo hizo, no es un éxito y los jugadores pueden usar su tarjeta de especialista.
  • Recuerdos infantiles: este juego de operación con juego clásico es similar a lo que muchas personas recuerdan desde su infancia. Introduce una nueva generación a este juego de mesa electrónico para niños.
  • Juego divertido e impredecible: el juego cuenta con un zumbador sorprendente y una nariz intermitente cuando un jugador golpea los lados con las pinzas.

Time’s Up

A simple but very entertaining family board game. In Times Up participants will have to guess famous figures, public or fictitious, within a limited time.

In this familiar version, you have to guess objects, actions, animals, professions among other things.

It is composed by three rounds, each one harder than the previous one, in where two teams or more participate.

In the first round, you will have to describe the word you want your teammate to guess without mentioning it. For example: if it is a chair, you must do your best to describe the chair but not to name it.

In the second round, you will have to think hard to describe the object with a single word.

In the last round, you will only have the mimics on your side to try to make your teammate guess the word.

RnR Games Inc. RNR00975 - Time's Up
191 Opiniones
RnR Games Inc. RNR00975 - Time's Up
  • A partir de 13 años
  • Duración del juego: 60
  • Número de jugadores: 3-10

Jungle Speed

A long time ago, the members of the Abulu tribe, invented a game where they played with the skins of the animals they hunted and also used eucalyptus leaves as cards.

This ancestral ritual was passed down from generation to generation until Tom and Yako, the last in the line of succession, decided to reveal the well-kept secret to the world.

Jungle Speed is a fun and dynamic card game that involves getting rid of cards as quickly as possible. There are 80 cards that are dealt to all the players equally.
In each turn, every player must place a card facing up in front of him.

When two players draw a card with the same symbol, a duel begins!.
The players with identical cards must take the Totem in the middle.
The player who does not get the Totem first must take all of the opponent’s cards plus the pot if there is one at that moment.

The Forbidden Island

This is a cooperative game that is impossible to win without working together as a team. In fact, without the characteristic skills of the other characters, it is almost impossible to complete a game.

This family board game can be played by two to four people, and although they recommend that participants should be 10 years old or older, it can be perfectly played by children under that age as long as they understand the rules and dynamics of the game.

The objective of the game is simple, to accumulate as much treasure as possible before the island sinks.

Devir - La Isla Prohibida, juego de mesa (versión inglesa)
  • Únete a un equipo de aventureros intrépidos en una misión de vida o morir para capturar cuatro tesoros sagrados de las ruinas de este paraíso peligroso
  • 2 a 4 jugadores
  • El pensamiento estratégico, la resolución de problemas y la cooperación requerida
  • 10 años en adelante
  • 30 minutos Tiempo de Jugar


Let’s go with another entertaining card game that is more complex than it appears at first glance. In Virus a group of novices unleashes the storm when they realize that a deadly virus has been released, trapped in some lab samples that were thought to be empty.

Now you and the rest of the players will have to figure out how to contain the infection and cure it. How will you do it? By getting 4 uninfected organs and getting a vaccine.

But beware, this is not a cooperative game, you will have to compete with the rest of the players to be the first one who manages to eradicate the virus.

An excellent family board game that encourages healthy competition and interaction among the youngest in the house.

GAMEFACTORY-¡Peligro de contagio, multicolor (Game Factory 646239) - Versión Alemana (idiomas: Alemán, Italiano y Francés)
  • ¡Virus! - Inclinado, mezquino, y garantizado sin receta!
  • El desagradable juego de cartas con alto factor adictivo: grandes emociones y potencial de molestias gracias a las malas tarjetas de acción.
  • Las reglas simples permiten una entrada rápida al juego.
  • Número de jugadores: 2-6. Duración del juego: aprox. 20 minutos. Edad recomendada: a partir de 8 años

Spot it!

Fun and exciting card game where you have to compare two cards to find out which symbols match. The game has 55 cards with more than 50 different symbols.

The purpose of the game is to place two cards on the table and the players must identify the symbols that match in both cards and mention them, the first one who succeeds wins that turn.

It also contains several mini-games with different objectives, but all of them share the same feature: you have to be the fastest to win.

Playing it has several benefits for young children, for example, you can work on visual stimulation, tracking and comparing different images by having to quickly detect figures that look alike.

Vocabulary can be worked on by naming the symbol that is repeated and reflexes and concentration are also improved.


Board game recognized in Spain and France as Game of the Year in 2009 and in Germany in 2010.

Simple, dynamic, and very imaginative, these are the features that Dixit has, and it’s what makes it perfect for children and adults to play.

In fact, it doesn’t even matter in what language you buy the game, it doesn’t have any words or letters except in the instructions, and these can be downloaded online in the language you prefer.

It can be played by up to 12 people and the games are dynamic and very lightweight, requiring practically no preparation to play.

Very interesting for young children because of the imaginative aspect of it.


Investigation and mystery board game in which we will have to be the first to solve the murder of the millionaire Samuel Black, moving through the mansion as we investigate, ask questions, and get clues.

We need to find out who did it, where it happened, and what weapon was used.

Make sure to answer all these questions before the other players do, and when you are sure about the answers, then make your accusation, if you are right, you’ll win the game.

What makes this game different from most family board games that young children can play is that adults do not need to let the youngest win. Actually it is quite the opposite and if you are not careful you may be surprised to lose faster than you think.

Guess who?

A guessing game in which you will have to try to figure out who the other players are. The mechanics is simple, all players take a card and after looking at it they will place it face down.

When it’s your turn, you will have to ask clear and concise questions in order to identify (among the other 48 face cards) the one that might be your opponent.
If you succeed in guessing before the others, you will win the game.

Hasbro C2124 HAS-C2124-0001 Juego de adivinar quién
  • Características Tabletop gameboards y piezas de juego
  • Los jugadores tratan de Guess misterio carácter de los demás
  • Para 2 jugadores.
  • Hasbro (Author)

Taboo Family Version

And we end with a new version of the classic card game Taboo that many grew up playing. The goal remains the same, to guess as many words as possible without mentioning the forbidden word.

Be very careful, if by an oversight you say the forbidden word the horn will sound and you will not be able to move forward. The team that manages to guess the most words wins.

A fun and very educational board game for children, in which they will exercise their imagination and will encourage them to think.

And so we end this fabulous list with our top 10 best family board games.

Every one of them is perfect to spend a fun time of healthy competition with the little ones of the house, who besides entertaining themselves, will be able to improve their cognitive and motor skills.

It’s all benefits! Isn’t it?

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